Blessing & Turn Over Ceremony
Last February 26, 2009 the official turn over & blessing of the brand new Hitoog school building took place. The SLFH school building is now completely finished and ready for use!
The brand new SLFH school building looks fantastic... The people of Hitoog had done their own fundraising to have the building painted in the colors of the Sheryl Lynn Foundation and SLF is very grateful for that.
The blessing & official turn over of the building resulted in a beautiful and memorable day for the town of Hitoog. Many people came to witness this special event and were honored by the visit of the congress woman and mayor of Matalom, who together cut the pink ribbon as symbol of official opening.
The SLFH building got baptized & blessed and the turn over ceremony included beautiful speeches & amazing performances of the school children. And of course this event ended with a true Filipino tradition... a delicious Filipino meal!
SLF would like to extend her heartfelt thanks to everyone involved in this project for making it such a success and as always, a special thanks goes out to all our financial supporters & Goldmembers.
Enjoy the pictures below of the official turn over & blessing of the SLFH school building and have a look at the end result of the SLFH school building. For pictures of the building in progress from beginning till end click here.
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